Sunday, January 12, 2014

Bonus Free Meet Added for 2014

Save the Date -- Feb 25
Train Mountain has applied to Klamath County to create a new Train Park Zone that
1)    allows TM to create about 50 lots of 2+ acres for a Train Connected     
Community on the west side of Railroad Ridge, and
2)    allows TM to conduct the Train Park Support activities it needs as permitted   
land uses as opposed to non-conforming or conditional land uses which have more limits.
“What can I do to help?”  - - -  SEND EMAILS!
Please send an email supporting the Train Mountain Application. The email
should go to Mark Gallagher, Planning Director...
Sample Text:
Dear Mr. Gallagher,
I am writing to support Train Mountain's application to allow a Train
Connected Residential Community for volunteer workers and to allow
the activities necessary to support the Train Park.
John Q. TrainNut
If you have volunteered at TM, talk about that. If you think about having a
place at TM and building a life that includes working on TM, talk about that.
And talk about why Train Mountain is important to you.
Oregon land use law allows a County to approve residential development on
Resource Lands (TM is Forestry) outside a designated Urban Growth Area
(like Chiloquin) to house Workers for an established Economic Activity. Here
we are creating housing for Volunteer Workers that will help Train Mountain.
“What else can I do?”  - - -  ATTEND THE HEARING!
The proposal will be heard by the Klamath County Planning Commission and
Klamath County Commissioners on Tuesday Feb 25th at 6:00pm in the
Klamath County Government Center, 305 Main Street, Klamath
Falls, Oregon.
For those who wish to help support the mission, Train Mountain is hosting a
Sat Feb 22 to Tuesday Feb 25
Members and non-members are invited to a Free Open House Meet. The Meet will end with the planning commission hearing at 6:00pm on Tuesday Feb 25.
In the Hearing we are asking Klamath County to:
1. Amend the Klamath County Comprehensive Plan
2. Amend the Land Development Code by adding a new Train Park Zone.
3. Allow Planned Unit Developments in the Train Park Zone.
4. Allow a 129.14 acre Track connected residential development.
5. Allow a 39.29 acre Train Park Support Area.
This is a first step. It will be followed by these steps:
1. Re-plat 2 deeded lots to create a 100.25 acre lot to be rezoned.
2. Rezone the 129.14 acres and 39.29 acres to the new Train Park Zone
3. Approve the Planned Unit Development. As part of this, Train Mountain
will contract with Klamath County to assure that 10 acres per approved
Dwelling Unit (with a minimum of 400 acres) will be protected forever from
development by a Conservation Easement... for 50 lots, 500 acres....
enough to protect Steiger Butte which is visible all over northern Klamath County.
The New Train Mountain Community
Please visit the Train Mountain Website for details to the planned community:
Train Mountain Thanks YOU!